Twin Force Apps

Comte Arnau AR 1.1
Twin Force
El Comte Arnau és la llegenda més famosa deCatalunya. La llegenda explica la maldat i els abusos del senyorfeudal contra el seu poble. És a més un mite fosc envoltat no nomésde maldat sinó de perversió i luxúria.Amb aquesta aplicació de Realitat Augmentada (AR) podràs veureal propi Comte apareixer de les flames de l'infern amb el seucavall malèfic.Count Arnau is the mostfamous legend of Catalonia. Legend evil lord and abuses against itspeople. It is also a myth dark surrounded not only evil but of lustand perversion.With this application of augmented reality (AR) will see theCount himself appeared in the flames of hell with his horseevil.
VR Star Fighters 1.2.3
Twin Force
Experience first hand the feeling of piloting2 spaceship inspired in STAR WARS, the most famous spaceships insci-fi history.Thanks to Google's Cardboard and to Virtual Reality (VR) you willexperience a fantastic adventure.Destroy all the meteorites you can in the assigned time.To be able to fully enjoy the VR experience you will need a VRheadset to use with your device.- IMPORTANT: On the VR mode you will also need a bluetoothcontroller to be able to play -- Now the game supports the new VR controller LIGNUM created byREMORIA VR ( Watch how cool it is here:
Ultra VCards 1.0
Twin Force
Make your visit / business card stand outamongall other normal business cards with this amazing AugmentedRealityApp.See them come to life with all kind of contents: music,videos,your own 3D scanned bust, 3D animated models and eveninteractivegames and apps, all running on the surface of yourcard.The amount and kind of information you can add to atraditionalpaper business card is very limited. With the UltravCards you willbe able to add all the information you desireincluding all kind ofsocial networks, links to portfolios, videos,several phones,adresses, emails, images, etc.Scan a Ultra vCard and easily create a contact on yourdevicewith all the info included in it. You will also be able todirectlycall to phone numbers in the card, visit websites, email,etc.If you want your business cards to be recognized by theappcontact us and we will tell you how. ([email protected])
Professor Whateverson 1.3.1
Twin Force
Professor Whateverson's laboratory is full ofgames and things to help you learn and have fun at the same time.Play the classic memory game with a twist, powered by specialformulas developed by the Professor.Become a recycling Super Hero with RECYCLING RUSH, where theProfessor will teach you the best ways to recycle. The SuperRecyclers will save the planet!Become amazed by the power of the Augmented Reality included inthis app. Together with the book ""Where do things come from?"" youwill be able to see all our nice character come to life!If you don't have the book, visit Professor Whateverson's webpage to get it ( some pictures in the Professors space ship and send them toyour friends!
Qíahn Memory 1.0.1
Twin Force
HISTORIAQíahn es un planeta extraño por su forma de moneda. Poseedosmundos en guerra, Cara y Cruz, y un canto.En su centro se encuentra el Orbe, un planetoide que brillaenambas caras. Cara está iluminada por un sol. Siempre es de día ysunoche equivale al atardecer terrestre. En cambio, la única luzdeCruz proviene del Orbe, reflejada por cuatro lunas, Norte,Sur,Este y Oeste. Su oscuridad es perpetua, rota por elfulgorintermitente de los volcanes en erupción. Cruz no es un buenlugarpara vivir.Aprende sobre los valerosos combatientes de ambosmundos:arqueros, bestias, caballeros, infantes, magos ypaladines.Descubre sus magias: agua y aire para Cara; fuego ytierra paraCruz; más espíritu, la magia prohibida. Encuentra susarmas yescudos. Benefíciate de las cadenas y ten cuidado con losAgujerosde Gusano.Bienvenido a Qíahn, viajero: escoge lado, elige vida.DESCRIPCIÓN- El juego tradicional de las parejas ocultas.- Apto para todos los públicos.- Un jugador.- Tres niveles de dificultad.- Disponible solo en castellano, por ahora.AGRADECIMIENTOSUn millón de gracias a los cientos de personas, deCiudadanosQíahn, por su apoyo. Y especialmente a los Valientes y alosDragones, porque sin su sacrificio, esto sería aún másdifícil.---Si deseas saber más sobre el proyecto transmedia Qíahnvisitahttp://qiahn.comEn su portada encontrarás los enlaces a las páginas de Facebook,lostableros de Pinterest y el canal de YouTube.Qíahn: escoge lado, elige vida---(c) 2014 Qíahn Tactics. Qíahn y Qíahn Tactics sonmarcasregistradasHISTORYQíahn is a strange planet in form of currency. It has twoworldsat war, heads and tails, and a song.In its center is the Orb, a planetoid that shines on bothsides.Face is lit by a sun. It is always day and night landequivalent tosunset. Instead, the only light comes from Orbe Cruz,reflected byfour moons, North, South, East and West. His perpetualdarkness isbroken by the intermittent glow of erupting volcanoes.Cruz is nota nice place to live.Learn about the brave fighters of both worlds: archers,beasts,knights, marines, wizards and knights. Discover its magic:waterand air to face; fire and earth to Cruz; more spirit,forbiddenmagic. Find your weapons and shields. Benefit from thechains andwatch out for wormholes.Welcome to Qíahn, traveler: choose side, choose life.DESCRIPTION- The traditional game of hidden pairs.- Suitable for all ages.- A player.- Three levels of difficulty.- Available only in Castilian, for now.THANKSA million thanks to the hundreds of people, Qíahn Citizens,fortheir support. And especially to the brave and the Dragons,becausewithout their sacrifice, it would be even harder.---If you want to know more about the transmedia project Qíahnvisithttp://qiahn.comOn its front you will find links to pages on Facebook,Pinterestboards and YouTube channel.Qíahn: singles side, choose life---(C) 2014 Qíahn Tactics. Qíahn and Tactics aretrademarksQíahn
Ultimate YI 4K Remote LITE 1.0
Twin Force
-- ATTENTION: WORKS ONLY WITH Yi 4KCAMERAS--With this app you will be able to take several pictures andvideosat the same time with YI 4K cameras. With the proper camerarigsyou can take 360º pictures and videos.This FREE version has limited configuration possibilities, buyPROversion to configure freely all the settings: the instructions on our website to learn how to takethemaximum advantadges of it:
Ultimate YI 4K Remote PRO 1.2.0
Twin Force
----------------------- SALE UNTIL 12-01-18 !------------------------------------ -- ATTENTION: WORKS ONLY WITHYi 4K CAMERAS and Yi 4K+ -- -- DISCLAIMER: the functionality ofthis app is restricted to WIFI capabilities. Although practical,WIFI connections suffer from loads of interferences andinconveniences, which we cannot be responsible for. In case of badcamera connections try reconnecting cameras and restarting the app.Make also sure that your pone can accept as many devices as youneed connected via WIFI -- With this app you will be ablesynchronise multiple cameras’ setting on one screen, as well asallowing you to capture photos and videos with multiple YI 4Kcameras simultaneously. Ideal for 360 camera rigs. This app is notbased on scripting, but on the use of Yi's Official API for the 4Kand 4K+. Try it out with the LITE version here: the instructions on our website to learn how to take themaximum advantages of it: This isnot official Yi app and is not anyhow related to Yi
Destination Xurés 1.0.7
Twin Force
Welcome to Xures, the largest frontier Biosphere Reserve andNaturalPark in Europe. The App “Destino Xurés RA” belongs to aninnovativeproject to transform the Xurés into a smart, sustainableand uniquedestination. Cali, one of the primitive inhabitants ofthis land,will be from today our interactive guide through themost wonderfulplaces of Xurés, showing us its history, culture andtraditions. TheApp will also allow visitants to get anunforgettable memory ofXurés.
Cada Paso Cuenta - Fundación Caser 0.0.40
Twin Force
Cada Paso Cuenta es un proyecto de hábitos saludables impulsadoporla Fundación Caser para los empleados del Grupo y susfamiliares.
Eco Widget 1.0
Twin Force
Con este práctico widget nunca más volveras a confundirte debasura.Siempre sabrás que basura toca sacar cada día. Ademástendrássiempre a mano los horarios del Punto Verde.
Halloween Puzzle Party 0.2
Twin Force
Enjoy 30 puzzles inspired in classical Halloween characterswhileyou develop your mind powers.